
My love for you~ <3

Today i wake up at 7:20pm. ( Damn early can!).. Started to watch the show "Never back down"..
The fighting was damn high can. I love watching fights.. (: After that , me , mum , and brother went to Excelsrior Hotel to eat dimsum. We ate until 1.45 then my brother go home and get ready to go working already. After that , me and my mum went to shop. We went marina square! We walk walk walk walk , and buy buy buy buy. Bought quite some items. Hahah! All is my things. She didn't buy anything for herself. =x. We went home , i took some rest , after that i went to meet Joey dear , Brandon , Mark , Georgina , Jiahui , Xuezhen , Kenneth , Kailing , Lester . They wanted to play basketball , so i went together with them. Damn funny , Jiahui kena hit at the head so many times. Feel sad for her.. Lol.We play play play play , play finish 8:45 already lor.. So late still haven't eat my dinner. Hahaha. Went home and blogging now.
Sorry dear for not walking you to bus stop today , will do it next time , sorry!
3 hours from now is my birthday! Feel so excited what's in store for me! Hahaha.
Hope this birthday i got today is memorable.. (:
Shall end here alrights.
Will be here till 12am tonight! :D

I Love you , dearest . My love for you will never change.030208 <3


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