
1. Real Name : Tan Kah Sheng

2.Nickname(s) : Kahs

3.Age : 16

4.Height : 175CM

5.weight : 5xKG

6.Spec or contact lens : None.

7.Horoscope : Cancer.

8.Male or Female : Male.

9.Tv or Games : Games

10.Primary school : SKPS

11.Secondary School : SKSS

12.Poly or Jc : Poly

13.University? : NTU

14.Hair colour : White/Black/Gold/Brown.

15.Long or short hair : Short.

16.Loud or Quiet : Quiet.

17.Sweats or Jeans : Jeans

18.Phone or camera : Phone.

19.Heath Freak : What is that.

20.Drink or smoke : Drink.

21.Have a crush on someone ? : Crushed on him. Rebounded.

22.Eat or drink ? : Food.

23.Piercing(s) : Kosong.

24.Tattoos : No.

25.Social or anti-social : Anti.

26.First Relationship : No have.

27.First bestfriend : No have.

48.Wealthy or happiness : Happiness.

49.Want to get married ? : Now.

50.Want kids ? : 2.

51.Careers in mind : Slacker.

52.Fight before ? : No.

53.Most regret of : This, and that.

54.Talented in : Everything.

55.Weak in ? : Nothing.

56.Romantic or spontaneous ? : Romantic.

57.Lips or eye ? : Eyes.

58.Nice stomach or nice arms ? : Stomach.

59.Shorter ? Taller ? : Perfect.

60.Protective or Caring : Caring.

61.Hook-up or Relationships : Relationships.

62.Troublemaker or hesitant : Troublemaker.

63.Lost glasses or contacts : I don't even wear one.

64.Ran away frm home : No.

65.Held a gun/knife for self defense : No.

66.Killed somebody : I killed mas selamat.

67.Broken someone's heart : I broke mas selamat heart, he wanted to fly with me. :(

68.Been arrested : Not sure.

69.Cried when someone died : Yes.

70.Missed someone alot alot : Sometimes.

71.Yourself : I'm everything you think i am.

72.Miracles : Hope that happens soon.

73.Love at first sight : Yes.

74.Heaven or Hell : Heaven.

75.Santa claus : Santa can't travel to heaven.

76.Cartoon or anime : Anime.

77.Tooth Fairy : No link.

78.Kiss in th first date : No.

79.Afraid of death : No.

80.Handsome or cute : Both.

81.Pretty or cute : Both.

82.Reality or dream : Dream.

83.Is there a person you want to be with now ? : A little bit to the left..

84.Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now ? : Yes.

85.Do you believe in fate ? : Hmm, in the middle of the equator.

87.Do you believe in God ? : There he is!

88.How often do you lie ? : Hmm, ya..

89.Do you respect elders ? Gelvin suck.

90.Are you a good kid ? : Define good kid.

91.Do you like your family ? : Define like.

92.Do you like your friends ? : I want marry them. All of them.

93.Are you greedy ? : I only want the universe.

94.What do you want now ? : Finish this quiz.

95.What will you wish for ? : Wish for the quiz to quickly finished.

96.A truth to first person ? : Ya.

97.A truth to second person ? : I see...

98.A truth to third person ? : I told you so.

99.Do you even trust yourself ? : Stop the lame.

100.Post as 100 truth and tag 40 ppl.. ;)

  1. ♥Amanda!
  2. ♥Ang Shumei!
  3. ♥Alina!
  4. ♥Brandon!
  5. ♥Cassandra!
  6. ♥Doreen!
  7. ♥Ernest!
  8. ♥Fion!
  9. ♥Gelvin!
  10. ♥Geraldine!
  11. ♥Georgina!
  12. ♥Huimin!
  13. ♥Huiting!
  14. ♥Jolene!
  15. ♥Jolyne!
  16. ♥Junchin!
  17. ♥Junyuan!
  18. ♥Jiahui!
  19. ♥JoeyChan!
  20. ♥Kelly!
  21. ♥Kailing!
  22. ♥liping!
  23. ♥Lim Shumei!
  24. ♥Mavis!
  25. ♥Mark!
  26. ♥Mangling!
  27. ♥Michelle!
  28. ♥Nasriyah!
  29. ♥Ruiling!
  30. ♥Rainy!
  31. ♥Sally!
  32. ♥Stella!
  33. ♥Szekang!
  34. ♥SKSSbball!
  35. ♥Tuty!
  36. ♥TANWanling!
  37. ♥Xuezhen!
  38. ♥Yulin!
  39. ♥Yanying!
  40. ♥Yihua!


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