

Today , 29/07/08.
Wake up and went to school.
Reached school at 728.
Just nice before the gate close.
Always like that. The bus 80 sucks , miss the 7am bus and im late. (:
Reached school..
First period, English.
Nothing to do much actually. Don't like the teacher too. (:
After that PE. Played softball. Its so fun. I'm like the star of the team. Most of my shots got homerun.
So proud of myself. When helping miss neo to put back the stuffs , she caught my hair , together with mr raj. :(
Recess time , my dear made bread for me!
She made for quite awhile from now already..
She make de always very nice one . :D
I love them! & her. xD
Learned new chapter in Amath. I think its damn hard. =(
Can't catch up at all. Blame my stupidity.. :(
After school went to compass awhile then went back to school for CCA , Basketball.
Played a lot at basketball.
Then waited for netball to finish then bring dear home..
The end.


My love for you~ <3

Sorry for not blogging the few days back , was very tired when i saw the comp. Sorry!
Shall start blogging here. (:
Today woke up at 1230 pm.
Scary? (: Wahhaaaa.
Whole day was a waste. Didn't do anything much today.
Played my xBox awhile.. Then played my computer..
After that eat.. Then play computer again..
Nothing already. Seeya .


My love for you~ <3

Woke up and went to school as usual .. Nothing special happened in school today!
Wahaha! After school , have english oral! We damn naughty there okay.. I think i flunk my oral already.. I better be prepared better then not.. (: The oral is damn long.
Then after the oral thingy , i went to hall for high jump event! God damn that shit.
Kind of injured my right knee. Like very pain lah.. I never even warm up they tell me to jump already. I'm a procrastinator. xDD! I got past the 132cm and 136 cm.
After that i lost already! It's damn not fair okay. I feel like an idiot. =/
Because i banged onto the stick 3 times in a row. So paiseh can!
Hahaha. After the high jump , went to field for long jump.
First trial jump i never even jump den walk over. Lol!
After trying the 3rd time. Got my personal best at 441cm.
Quite not bad already. My target is just 300cm. xDD
Hahahaha. Enjoyed every part of those events. (:
Went to training for 2 mins then over le. Hahaha. Didn't even took attendance.
Bleahhs! Then went to field again to look for joey. They are throwing discus! It's super cool~.
I kinda like it. x] HehaHeha. Joey dear got 5th for discus! Damn super proud of her!
She is my face! (: (: (: Yes! I love her!
Wheeees. Then its 6pm already .. We walked the buangkok way home , and on the way home , Jiahui smsed me to go punggol park! Spoilt my mood. Joking~ XD
Went to Punggol park to play some swing.
Butt pain~ (: Haha.. Huijia and Jiahui went running. They are so hardworking~ Especially dear! (: Hahaha , headed home after awhile. Fetched her home and went home on my own. (:
-The END-

I love you!


My love for you~ <3

Today is my birthday , 21072008.
Woke up and went to school as per usual.
Normal lessons , normal teachers.
During break time , they gave me presents.
Most of them gave me presents.
Thank you Joey dear for the wonderful biscuits.. They looked awesomely beautiful , I don't bare to eat them.. Even though they are attractive.. You had your hardwork put in , thanks dear..
Thank you Natasha , Meijun , Xiaoqing for those chocolates and that piece of artwork.. They're wonderful. I appreciates them.
Thank you Jolene , Yihua , Shihui , Anna , for buying a spade shirt for me , I like it very much.
Thank you Huiting , Sini , Junchin , Max , Gabriel.
I had so many nice gifts , thanks everyone.
I love all of you. I'm serious. (:
After school , went around taking plastic bags , feel so auntie ..
But no choice , have to take them. (:
Went to AMK hub with dear , watch the movie Hancock. That movie was terrific. Hancock is nice. Although a little vulgar , but he is still a good guy afterall. a 4.5/5 movie. Recommended.
By the time we watched finish the whole movie , it was already 6. Took bus 74 to dear's house , and took her home ..
After that i went home myself. Very soon , they called me to go down to compass to celebrate my birthday.. But that time i just reached home. Feel like so rush .. And don't even know where is dear.. Nevertheless , we meet on bus 80 on the way to compass .
Met the others and went outside of Cup walkers.
Brandon handed me the present , I thought it's something that will pop out.
I was super wrong , it was kotex. Shocked . xO
So many camera's flash.. Almost blacked out. =/
When opened the cake thing , it was another freakass prank , a few garlic breads. >=O
Argh. It was fun anyway..
When i was distracted , they took the cake in and sang the birthday song for me.
For that moment felt so happy.
For the other moment felt that i was tricked right into their hands.
Lester that bastard pushed my head to the cake.
Whole head kena cake , the cake dropped to the ground . Can't eat anymore lor.
Damn sad okay.. I wan to taste the cake de sia , but can't get to taste it at all.
We take the cake up , and start to throw around . Almost every guy kena cake sia.
It was fun , but very dirty. After playing around for awhile , we clean up the place.
Although the place not too clean , but still can take it lah.
They pressured joey to kiss me , so no choice lor.. Let her kiss , since my cheek is damn dirty.
We are all enjoying at the time.
After that got tricked by georgina , starting thought was real , then they told me it's fake.
I gave her face. =] She thought i was really angry with her because she beat me the 4th time.
Sorry georgina , I don't mean to be angry. I was just joking around with you. (:
On the way to take bus , dear dropped the camera and the camera kind of spoil .. Sorry dear..
I don't know how to console you.. All i can say is sorry.

2 more hours and my birthday is gone.
Wish me happy birthday before it's too late!
Forgive and forget until this day.
I love you joey.


My love for you~ <3

Today i wake up at 7:20pm. ( Damn early can!).. Started to watch the show "Never back down"..
The fighting was damn high can. I love watching fights.. (: After that , me , mum , and brother went to Excelsrior Hotel to eat dimsum. We ate until 1.45 then my brother go home and get ready to go working already. After that , me and my mum went to shop. We went marina square! We walk walk walk walk , and buy buy buy buy. Bought quite some items. Hahah! All is my things. She didn't buy anything for herself. =x. We went home , i took some rest , after that i went to meet Joey dear , Brandon , Mark , Georgina , Jiahui , Xuezhen , Kenneth , Kailing , Lester . They wanted to play basketball , so i went together with them. Damn funny , Jiahui kena hit at the head so many times. Feel sad for her.. Lol.We play play play play , play finish 8:45 already lor.. So late still haven't eat my dinner. Hahaha. Went home and blogging now.
Sorry dear for not walking you to bus stop today , will do it next time , sorry!
3 hours from now is my birthday! Feel so excited what's in store for me! Hahaha.
Hope this birthday i got today is memorable.. (:
Shall end here alrights.
Will be here till 12am tonight! :D

I Love you , dearest . My love for you will never change.030208 <3


My love for you~ <3

Wake up at 3pm.
Today is the day i made my blog.
Thanks yulin , georgina for helping in making for my blog.
I didn't went out today.
I was rotting.
Tonight i ate and went to sleep.
Tomorrow's gonna be a fine day for me. (:
Cyaaaaaaaaa all tmr~